Booking: LSM 900 with Airyscan 2 - For time lapse acquisition, please ask a quote to lab head: - If you need support on immunostainings, data analysis and the whole workflow, or if you are interested in live imaging assays and custom acquisitions, please ask a quote to lab head: Calendar is loading...14- Available14- Booked14- Pending14- Partially available * = required fields Start time*: 09:0010:0011:0012:0013:0014:0015:0016:0017:00 End time*:10:0011:0012:0013:0014:0015:0016:0017:0018:00 Affiliation*:UniPisaOther UniversitiesResearch InstitutesThird parties/Private companies User’s name* Ranieri BizzarriMatteo Di GregorioFrancesco GarzellaAlberto LeggioBenedetta MasciulliBarbara StortiRaffaella MercatelliSofia CristianiLaura MarchettiAllegra CoppiniLorenzo Da Palmata User’s email*: Fund manager’s name* Fund manager’s e-mail*: Type of activity/user*: (setting only for staff)CISUP Affiliate, independent userCISUP Affiliate with operatorTrainingSettingAcademic user Non-CISUP affiliateThird parties only with operator Selected fluorophores: (chose here the option/s) Sample type*: (describe briefly samples type and aim of exp.: cells, zebrafish, 3d cultures etc.) Confocal*: Yes No Use confocal screening only if needed – acquisition time are longer and may reduce the intensity of your fluorophores Live imaging*: Yes No Live imaging has to be discussed with lab head - - because it is necessary to occupy the instrument for a long time Cost of service: € 0,00 I Accept term and conditions CISUP's ByLaws