Booking: Fluorescence Super-resolution Microscope – Nikon STORM 5.0 Please Select Fluorescence Super-resolution Microscope – Nikon STORM 5.0 Please remember that this form constitutes only a booking request. For approval, wait the confirmation email or contact the laboratory manager - Prof. Francesca Cella Zanacchi Calendar is loading...09- Available09- Booked09- Pending09- Partially available * = required fields Start time*: 09:0009:3010:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:3013:0014:0014:3015:0015:3016:0016:3017:00 End time*:10:0010:3011:0011:3012:0012:3013:0014:0014:3015:0015:3016:0016:3017:0017:3018:00 Affiliation*:UniPisaOther UniversitiesResearch InstitutesThird parties/Private companies Department: BiologiaChimica e Chimica IndustrialeCivilta' e Forme del SapereEconomia e ManagementFarmaciaFilologia, Letteratura e LinguisticaFisicaGiurisprudenzaInformaticaIngegneria Civile e IndustrialeIngegneria dell'Energia, dei Sistemi, del Territorio e delle CostruzioniIngegneria dell'InformazioneMatematicaMedicina Clinica e SperimentalePatologia Chirurgica, Medica, Molecolare e dell'Area CriticaRicerca Traslazionale e delle Nuove Tecnologie in Medicina e ChirurgiaScienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Agro-ambientaliScienze PoliticheScienze VeterinarieScienze della Terra Applicant’s name* last name*: Applicant’s email*: phone*: If the same - click here to copy Applicant’s fields in Fund manager’s fields Fund manager’s name* last name*: Fund manager’s e-mail*: phone: Type of activity - user*:Research – UniPisa staff and CISUP fellowsResearch – External users from academiaThird partiesIn-house free research activityEducationSet-up and developments Experimental details*: (e.g., nuclei, types of experiments, and temperature, etc) Need technical assistance during analyses*(please select "Yes" for Education) : Yes No In-house Cost of service: € 0,00 I Accept term and conditions