- Identify, acquire, design and develop large analytical instrumentation and research infrastructures of strategic interdepartmental interest within the University of Pisa.
- Offer faculty members access to analytical laboratories and infrastructures for research and education, also providing technical support.
- Create and manage networks of existing analytical laboratories within the university, to allow easy fruition by all faculty members, and ensure upgrade and development.
- Promote the accreditation of the laboratories in compliance with the application of EU Regulation 765/2008.
- Foster and coordinate interdisciplinary research projects and services for the design and development of novel experimental and analytical techniques, including formation and training of technical staff.
- Help organize masters, summer schools, workshops, seminars and symposia and offer study grants focusing on CISUP’s research themes.
- Provide support to Pisa University education programs through practicals and traineeships.
- Help disseminate the results of research undertaken at CISUP’s analytical facilities.
- Promote and coordinate research in collaboration with other Universities, research institutes, local administrations and industry at the national and international level.