
Mass Spectrometer AB Sciex Qtrap 6500+

The SCIEX QTRAP 6500+ technology is unique and based on a triple quadrupole mass analyzer configuration – but it is no ordinary triple quadrupole. A QTRAP system can be operated as a conventional triple quadrupole instrument with all the scan functions such as MRM, product ion and neutral loss, and it provides the same sensitivity as its equivalent QQQ model. Otherwise, in a QTRAP device the third quadrupole can be configured as a Linear Ion Trap (LIT) to provide additional powerful qualitative scan functions to enhance the performance and flexibility. Through the unique scan functions, you can get quantitative information with simultaneous confirmation or identification without sacrificing your data. Learn more below about the scan functions available.

The QTRAP® 6500+ is the fastest and most sensitive QTRAP. It provides the best LOQs to enable the detection and quantification of the widest scope of chemical compounds in the most challenging matrices. Improved polarity switching and MRM3 speeds allow faster chromatography and better throughput. The built in QTRAP functionality enables quantitative MRMs and qualitative QTRAP scans in the same injection to maximize throughput. The system is ideal for performing workflows beyond basic multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) for better specificity and quantitative performance across key applications in pharmaceutical drug discovery, food testing, environmental monitoring, protein quantitation, forensic drug testing and more.

Key features

Mass Range – Dual switchable mass range: up to 1250 Da / 2000 Da

Features – IonDrive QJet, HED Detector

Detector Type – IonDrive High Energy Detector+

Scan Types – Q1 MS, Q3 MS, Product Ion, Precursor Ion, Neutral Loss or Gain, MRM, EMS, EPI, ER, MS3, MRM3, TripleTrap™ Scanning

Ionization Options – IonDrive Turbo V; OptiFlow™ Turbo V; TurboIonSpray®; Atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization (APCI); DuoSpray™, and NanoSpray® III, Phytronix LDTD, Advion LESA Clarity, Digital PicoView, NanoSource, SelexION®+

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