Analysis set-ups
The combination of the pyrolyzer and the acquired additional instrumentation allows to operate using several instrumental setups:
Evolved gas analysis-mass spectrometry (EGA-MS)
In this technique, the pyrolysis furnace is directly coupled to the mass spectrometric detector by using a deactivated stainless steel capillary tube in place of the chromatographic column. During the EGA-MS experiment, the pyrolysis furnace is heated at a constant rate, and the evolved gas products are directly sent to the MS detector. The result of this experiment is a thermogram, that plots the ion current as a function of the temperature of the pyrolysis furnace. EGA-MS provides qualitative information on the number of components of a sample, and the temperatures at which each of them undergo desorption or pyrolysis. It is therefore an invaluable screening technique to be performed on unknown sample to establish optimal pyrolysis temperature to be used in more detailed analyses;
Thermal desorption-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (TD-GC/MS)
In this technique, the pyrolysis furnace is kept at a temperature of 300 °C or lower, allowing the desorption/volatilization of low-molecular weight compounds. The evolved compounds are then characterized by GC/MS. This technique can be used to characterize the volatile components of plastic materials, such as additives and residual monomers, without achieving the degradation of the polymeric matrix. TD-GC/MS can also easily provide information on the volatile components of natural materials. If the desorption/volatilization process of the compounds is slow, the liquid nitrogen cryo-trap system can be used to enhance the chromatographic performances;
Single-shot or flash analytical pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS)
This is the most used instrumental setup for the characterization of complex polymeric natural and synthetic materials. The sample is heated at a temperature in the range 300–800 °C, and the pyrolysis products are directly analyzed by the GC/MS system. This setup has countless possible applications, and has gathered an increasing success in many fields, including environmental chemistry, forensic analysis, industrial chemistry, and heritage science, for both routine analyses and research purposes. Interpretation of the results, which has always been regarded as the challenging step in Py-GC/MS analyses, is constantly becoming more straightforward thanks to the publication of dedicated mass spectra libraries, as well as dedicated software capable of identifying the original material from the composition of the pyrolysis mixture;
Multi-shot analytical pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (MSPy-GC/MS)
In this technique, the sample undergoes sequential instantaneous heating at more than one temperature, and the products obtained from each heating step are individually analyzed by GC/MS. This setup can be used to perform TD-GC/MS and Py-GC/MS on the same sample, analyzing the volatile components first, and then the polymeric matrix. If the polymeric matrix is composed of different species with different pyrolysis temperatures, these components can also be pyrolyzed individually performing two (or more) sequential Py-GC/MS analyses at the appropriate temperatures. As for TD-GC/MS, liquid nitrogen cryo-trapping is also possible at each step to improve the chromatographic performances;
Analytical pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry with online UV irradiation
The sample can undergo UV irradiation in the pyrolysis chamber, followed by direct EGA-MS (UV/EGA-MS) or Py-GC/MS (UV/Py-GC/MS) analysis to obtain information on the effects of UV light on its composition. Alternatively, the sample can be irradiated, and the volatile products generated by its photodegradation can be cryo-focused, and successively analyzed by GC/MS (UV/GC-MS). The two setups can also be combined to obtain a full characterization of the effects of UV irradiation on the sample.